Quickstart to Presenting Brilliantly

Here is a Step by Step guide to the perfect presentation.
Use it to help you prepare for any presentation and if you need more help in any of the steps, just click on the links which will take you to articles which will look at the steps in more depth.
Step One: Think about your audience.
Who are they? What do they want or expect from you?
Step Two: What do you want your audience to Think, Feel and Do as a result of your presentation?
Step Three: Collate all of the information you have on your subject.
Step Four: Sort and sift information based on your Think, Feel and Do. What helps, what doesn’t?
Step Five: Create an Outline of your Presentation.
Step Six: Create PowerPoint and any other visual aids you may have.
Step Seven: Rehearse, Rehearse,Rehearse.
Step Eight: Turn up and be prepared.
Step Nine: Present Brilliantly.
Step Ten: Follow up.
Congratulations you have now achieved your goals and presented Brilliantly.
If you want to do even better next time, make sure you sign up to receive each of my new posts as they are published.
Getting ahead, usually means you will have to present. The more you do and the more you work on improving your skill set in presenting will ensure you stay ahead of your competition, whoever they may be.
I hope this site has been of use to you and please if you have any questions just comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
With Grace and Gratitude

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